2019 Challenge Schedule
The contest is open to all female middle school and high school students. The speaker series and panel session are open to everyone. Registration will officially close on Tuesday, September 3, 2019. Attendees for speaker sessions only are also welcome.
8:10am - 8:40am Registration (Check-in at Nichols Hall)
8:40am - 9:10am Contest Setup
9:10am - 11:10am Contest
11:20am - 12:00pm Keynote Speech (Professor Brunskill)
12:00pm - 12:40pm Lunch
12:40pm - 1:20pm Keynote Speech (Dr. Yinglian Xie)
1:30pm - 2:30pm Panel Discussion: Women in STEM and AI (Hui, Haiying, Avanti, Sonu, Garima)
2:30pm - 3:00pm Awards
Chelsea Finn, PhD, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Stanford
Sharon Zhou, PhD Candidate at Stanford
Page Bailey, Product Manager of Tensorflow at Google
Sreeja Nair, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Qualcomm
Sue Xu, PhD, Managing Partner at Amino Capital
Kate Schafer, PhD, Teacher at the Harker School
Contest Rules & FAQ
Contest Format
Students will participate in either the Novice or Advanced division. In each division, the contest will consist of 9 algorithmic programming problems of varying difficulty to be solved in 2 hours. Example problems and solutions can be downloaded from http://www.tiny.cc/gpl_challenge_samples.
Solutions to the problems must be coded in Java, Python or C++.
Input and Output
All input and output are sent to and received from the the following specific consoles:
Java System.in / System.out
C++ cin / cout
Python sys.stdin / sys.stdout
Internet Access and Communications
Only one laptop maybe used per team during the contest. During the contest, you may not use or view any code that has been written prior to the start of the contest. Only these websites and their subdomains may be referenced:
Top three teams in each division will get awards and trophies. Top 10 teams in each division will get certificates.
AI4ALL Community Impact Grant
The Harker School Computer Science Department
Amino Capital
AlphaStar Academy